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5 Small Business Management Tips for a Profitable Business

Profitable Business

Starting a small business is easier than ever, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to see success. Even today, only 67.6% of companies will survive for more than two years. That means you need to do whatever possible to see profit wherever you can.

You can use many small business management tips to improve your company’s profit. Keep reading to learn what you can do when running a small business to make more money.

Organize Your Business

Many companies are a disorganized mess. It takes forever to find what you need, which means people spend more time looking for information than getting work done.

You can streamline your operation when you organize your information and business tools. Spend time setting up a place for everything and let everyone know where that is. Once you have that system set up, let people know they need to put things where they belong to keep things organized.

Automate Where Possible

There are countless small tasks you need to handle in business. From data entry to information gathering, it takes time to handle these tasks. Even though they aren’t hard, you need to spend energy taking them on.

However, you don’t have to do this manually anymore. There are now software programs that will help you automate many of those tasks. Invest in these systems to save time and use your resources to work on more important work.

Optimize Customer Service

You can have the best products in the world, but people won’t buy from your company when you don’t have excellent service. Unfortunately, some companies don’t invest in customer service and lose business.

Do everything you can to offer a great customer experience. Teach your employees to give people what they need and solve problems as quickly as possible.

Rely on Experts

You don’t need to handle every task yourself as a business owner. While you can get things done going this route, your time is probably better spent doing work you’re more qualified to handle.

You can delegate these tasks to professionals to free up your time. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for IT experts or tax relief professionals near me. You can save both time and money by letting experts handle the job.

Cut Unnecessary Costs

There may be times when you find a lot of small expenses for your business. Those purchases make sense at the time but do not add much value to your business. Unfortunately, many of these expenses can cost your company a lot of money.

Regularly audit your books to find these expenses and cut them from your budget. You can save your money or put your cash into things that will actually grow your business.

Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Small Business Management for Profit

Competition is fierce in business, so you can’t afford to handle small business management the wrong way and make mistakes. Luckily, there are many tips for managing a small business that will help you handle things more smoothly. The tips above are only a few of the things you can do, so keep learning more about small business management to figure out how to grow your company.

Do you want to learn more tips about successful small business management? Check out the blog for more business management tips.

Flu Symptoms vs Covid Symptoms: What Are the Differences?

Flu Symptoms vs Covid Symptoms

Are you confused by all the different names for the same viral infection? Do you want to make sure that you know the differences between flu symptoms vs covid symptoms?

You should also be aware that the flu is nothing like the COVID-19 virus. The former is a seasonal, temporary health condition that can threaten your life. But, it should pass within a month. The latter is important to take seriously.

Its symptoms are consistent and indefinite. You need to consider a preventative solution. Don’t delay any longer. Let’s review the differences in more detail.

Flu Symptoms vs Covid Symptoms

What is flu and what is covid cough symptom? For one, the cough associated with COVID-19 tends to be dry, while the cough associated with the flu is usually productive (meaning there is phlegm or mucus being coughed up).

Additionally, the cough associated with COVID-19 is often accompanied by shortness of breath, while the flu-associated cough is not. Lastly, the COVID-19 cough tends to be much more persistent and can last for weeks, while the flu-associated cough usually goes away after a week or two.

Body Aches

There are a few key differences between body aches from the flu and those from COVID-19. For one, the flu causes more widespread aches and pains, whereas COVID-19 is more likely to cause localized pain (in the chest, for example).

Additionally, body aches from the flu are more likely to come on and be more severe, while body aches from COVID-19 may be more gradual and less intense. Finally, flu-related body aches usually go away after a few days, whereas COVID-19-related body aches may last for weeks or even months.


Fatigue is a common symptom of both illnesses, but it can be more severe with COVID-19. With the flu, fatigue is usually accompanied by other symptoms like fever and muscle aches, but with COVID-19, it may be the only symptom. This can make it difficult to distinguish between the two.

Other key differences include loss of taste and smell, which are more common with COVID-19, and chest pain, which is more common with COVID-19. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor so that you can get the proper diagnosis and treatment.

Runny Nose

For one, a runny nose due to the flu is more likely with other flu symptoms such as fever, body aches, and fatigue, whereas a runny nose caused by covid-19 is more likely to be the only symptom. Additionally, a runny nose caused by the flu is more likely to be clear, while a runny nose caused by covid-19 is more likely to be green or yellow.

Finally, a runny nose caused by the flu is more likely to go away after a few days, while a runny nose caused by COVID-19 may linger for weeks or even months. Getting the vaccine is essential as Suzanne Clark reviewed the COVID pandemic’s upcoming phase to develop and discover ways to attack.

Set An Appointment To Learn More

If you’re not feeling well, it’s important to find out what’s wrong. The best way to do this is to make an appointment with your doctor. They can help you identify if it’s flu symptoms vs covid symptoms and figure out the best course of treatment.

Early diagnosis and treatment are key to helping prevent the spread of the virus. Don’t wait until you’re feeling sick to see a doctor—make an appointment today.

If you found this information helpful, then check out our blog for more articles.

The Complete Guide to Setting Startup Goals: Everything to Know

Setting Startup Goals

Have you always dreamed of starting up a business of your very own? If so, then there’s no better time than now to make that dream a reality!

And, of course, the first step to doing so is setting some solid startup goals. Why is this so important? Because your goals will be the direction to follow on where you want your company to be.

Not sure where to begin? Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered.

See below for an in-depth list of what you need to know about setting startup goals. 

The Benefits of Setting Startup Goals

There are countless benefits to setting startup goals. The most important though, is that it can help increase the chances of success for your business.

By taking the time to establish what you hope to achieve and by whom, you can create a framework for making decisions and measuring progress. Additionally, sharing your goals with others can create buy-in and accountability. Both of these can be critical for early-stage businesses.

Finally, setting goals can help you focus on your limited resources. You can put it in areas with immense impact on your business.

The Different Types of Goals You Can Set

There are different types of goals you can set for your startup. One is financial startup goals. These can involve increasing revenue, cutting costs, or achieving a certain level of profitability.

Another one is customer goals. These involve acquiring new customers, increasing customer satisfaction, or reducing customer churn.

The next is product goals. These include launching a new product, increasing sales, or improving product quality.

Finally, there are operational goals. These could be about increasing efficiency, reducing waste, or improving processes.

What to Consider When Setting Goals

Before you can set goals, you need to understand what you want to achieve. Sit down and consider what you want to meet. 

What are your short and long-term goals? What can you realistically achieve in the next year? 

Are your goals S-M-A-R-T? Not considering these could lead to small business pitfalls.

It is also necessary to think about your resources. Ensure you have the time, money, and workforce to achieve your goals. If you don’t, you may need to adjust them.

Finally, you need to track your progress. It will help you see how well you are doing and whether you need to adjust your startup goals.

How to Measure Success 

You can track and measure the success of your startup goals by using the right tools and tactics. Keep track of essential metrics such as sales, conversion rates, web traffic, and customer churn. This will give you a clear picture of how your business is performing.

Additionally, you can get feedback from your customers and employees. They can provide insights into how your business is performing. 

Regularly review and adjust your goals. As your business grows and changes, so should your goals too.

Set Your Startup Goals!

Setting and achieving goals is essential to any successful startup. If you’re looking to set goals for your startup, this guide is a great place to start. It covers everything from what to include in your goal-setting process to how to measure and track your progress.

After reading this guide, you’ll be well on setting startup goals for success. Put in hard work and dedication, and you can achieve anything!

So what are you waiting for? Get started on setting your startup goals today! Achieve your dreams of becoming a successful entrepreneur!

For more business guides, check out the rest of our website.

5 Ways to Style New Clothes

Style New Clothes

Upgrading your wardrobe for the fall? Here are a few ways that you can style your new clothes so that you stand out and look your best. From dresses to blazers and more, there are always great ways to style your clothes so that you look as stylish as possible.

Knee-length dresses

Knee-length dresses are becoming a favorite choice for women around the country. They’re classy and sweet and can be used for various occasions. Yet some women are wondering, “how do you style knee length dresses?” 

For the most part, knee length dress styles look great with heels, especially if you’re on the shorter side. But they can also look good with high-top Converse shoes or boots if it’s the winter. Whether you wear neutral colors or bold patterns, that part is all up to you. 

Combine patterns

Gone are the days of needing to wear solids with patterns. If you’re feeling a combination of patterned clothing, go for it! We no longer need to complain about our mothers exclaiming in angst that “your clothes are mismatched!”

While not always necessary, it helps if you’re matching patterns with similar color tones. However, this isn’t a hard and fast rule, so if you don’t want to wear the same color palette, don’t. 

Use tennis shoes with dresses

It is a misconception that you shouldn’t wear tennis shoes with dresses. In fact, dresses with tennis shoes can be an adorable and highly comfortable look. While Converse shoes and Vans are typically the style that people like to go with when pairing their shoes with a dress, as long as the tennis shoes aren’t too clunky, you can wear whatever type of tennis shoes that you want. 

With that said, there are some occasions when wearing tennis shoes with a dress is not a good idea, such as a nice dinner at a high-scale restaurant or a forma-casual event. Keep in mind that formal dresses won’t look that great with your tennis shoes—plus, where would you wear that look? 

Bright colors for the win 

Colors are big in 2022. Maybe because we all need a bit of dopamine right now or maybe because color has always been a good idea, but people are just realizing it now.

Either way, bright pinks or greens and yellows—if you want to stand out, bright colors are the way to go. Are you looking for a date night dress? Boom! Bright colors are the way to go. Want to stand out at the office? A bright suit can make you get noticed. Simply looking to elevate your mood? Wear bright colors to get you feeling sharp! 

Upgrade with a blazer 

If you want to add a bit of formality to your outfit, upgrade with a blazer. Whether you’re headed out on a date or you’re looking for outfits for the office, a blazer can always upgrade a look so that you’re semi-formal for those events that require it. If done right, a blazer can even be paired with a dress. 

Every woman should have at least one blazer in their closet for special occasions. An all-time favorite way to wear a blazer is to pair it with a white-T, jeans, and great boots. Voila! You’ll look chic and ready to work it! Check out the latest edition of your favorite fashion magazine for ideas!

woman should have at least one blazer in their closet for special occasions

In Conclusion

If you want to look cute and stylish, consider these looks for any type of fun occasion. Whether you attend a concert with a cute dress and Converse shoes or show up as a powerhouse for a date in a blazer, there are plenty of ways to style these items that will have you looking like a celebrity. Need some help with your styling? Speak to your personal stylist about the looks that will work best for you! Don’t forget your makeup subscription to pair your great clothes with a great face. 

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Touch Up Cup Net Worth – What Happened After Shark Tank?

The Role of a Specialized Recruiter in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Pharmaceutical Industry
Image Source: justinroyals555

Like all recruiters, pharmaceutical recruiters help to bridge the gap between qualified candidates and open positions. Over the past few years, talent shifts and technological advancements have left the industry in a state of flux and changed employee bases at many major companies. This has only made the services of a specialized pharmaceutical recruiter even more essential. Read on to find out about the role that these experts can play in helping pharmaceutical companies keep up with the times and job seekers find the right positions to match their skill sets.

Helping Companies Find Top Talent

Companies like Executive Regulatory Affairs Professional Search (ERAPS) help pharmaceutical companies fill vacant roles across their corporate hierarchies. Specialized expertise is always important in executive and managerial candidates, but it’s even more essential in the pharmaceutical industry, where technologies change fast and the industry standards and regulations are many.

Pharmaceutical recruiters don’t just simplify clients’ searches for qualified candidates. They open up new possibilities. A good recruitment firm will have access to candidate pools that are not available to companies’ internal hiring managers. With specialized industry experience, they also know exactly what to look for when it comes to finding the right candidate for every opening.

Connecting Candidates With Future Employers

Whether candidates have recently decided on a career switch or just want to explore their options while maintaining current positions, they can trust pharmaceutical recruitment firms to help. After all, recruiters don’t just have experience with vetting job candidates. They also devote a good deal of time and energy to developing an understanding of each company’s unique culture and every job opening’s specific requirements.

It can be difficult for pharmaceutical industry workers to advance their careers within a changing industry. As a result, many seek employment opportunities externally with other companies. There’s nothing wrong with looking for a job that will be a good fit for a candidate’s current skill set.

Nurturing Relationships

Pharmaceutical companies don’t always have the time to get to know every job candidate for an open position in a meaningful way. Similarly, high-level candidates looking to advance their careers may not be able to explore every opportunity. Pharmaceutical recruiters can act as a bridge between the two parties by getting to know both job candidates and hiring companies well enough to tell if a candidate will be a good fit for an open position.

Fostering Global Connections

It’s not always possible to find top candidates in local talent pools. Sometimes, pharmaceutical companies need to extend their searches to reach candidates across state or even national borders. For highly specialized positions, it’s commonplace for companies in an increasingly globalized pharmaceutical industry to hire candidates from other countries, but that’s next to impossible without the help of a dedicated recruitment firm. Pharmaceutical recruiters are experts at working with others in the field to aggregate lists of top talent from anywhere and foster global connections between employers and employees.

Start the Search

Pharmaceutical industry leaders can’t afford to work with generalized recruitment agencies. They need highly specialized, trained workers who have all of the right experience and expertise. Similarly, job candidates looking for jobs in the industry need to work with recruitment firms that can get their resumes into the right hands. Pharmaceutical recruiters make it their job to facilitate their clients’ candidate and job searches and ensure that every open position gets filled by the right person.

Why Businesses Experience Water Damage

Businesses Experience
Image Source: chubb

There is nothing more devastating to a company than water damage. Repairing the damage can be costly, and the disruption to corporate operations can add up to lost revenue. In some circumstances, companies may avoid some problems if spotted early.

HVAC systems

Problems with the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems are typical causes of water damage. Condensation forms in these systems frequently, necessitating drainage. Usually, the dampness is contained in a tray before being channeled elsewhere.

Due to their specificity, these systems can break down or cause excess moisture in a room if they are not properly maintained or if major structural changes are made to the building. Any electronic or other equipment susceptible to damp damage may be affected.

Defective plumbing

Commercial buildings’ plumbing systems are constantly subjected to harsh conditions. Because of the constant influx of customers and employees, commercial properties must keep up with plumbing maintenance and repairs.

Buildings can be severely damaged by water caused by plumbing issues such as burst pipes and sewage backups, and if the plumbing system is down, it can be a major inconvenience for staff and consumers.

Leakage from Roofs

Flat roofs are superior to sloped ones in water drainage, but they require more care and upkeep to avoid leaks and other problems on commercial structures. If the roof does not have a proper slope, the rain will pool on the surface and eventually seep into the wood.

Roof leaks can cause costly repairs to the building’s interior, so it’s important to replace or repair any shingles, flashing, and other roofing elements that are damaged, missing, or degraded. However, if roofing maintenance and any necessary repairs are done quickly, companies can avoid leaks altogether.

Sprinkler System Malfunctions

An old business building may have an antiquated sprinkler system. Because it’s important to prevent water damage to buildings, documents, employees, and customers in the event of a fire, having a sprinkler system that is in good working order is crucial.

However, if the system is broken, outdated, or malfunctioning, it may release water even when there is no fire outbreak. A broken sprinkler system will inevitably result in water damage, which can spread rapidly if not addressed quickly.

Regular testing, inspection, and maintenance of the sprinkler system are essential for preventing fire damage in buildings, which can save lives and property from destruction.

Damaged Equipment and Appliances

The underlying issue is that appliances such as washing machines and water containers sometimes malfunction when nobody is around to fix them straight away, resulting in a potentially enormous and expensive disaster.

Keeping up with routine maintenance and repairs on water-using appliances in business buildings can extend that equipment’s life, prevent costly repairs, and minimize the likelihood of costly water damage. In the event of a breakage, find the right company to fix water problems and get your business back to normal as fast as possible.


Water damage may be frustrating and expensive for a company because it may result in the loss of data, the purchase of new equipment, or even more time to manage the situation. Water damage is a headache no business owner wants to deal with, but fortunately, companies may avoid many of the most common causes of water damage.

Courses You Should Take After College To Start A Successful Business

Start A Successful Business
Image Source: Kabbage.com

Have you passed your College?

Want to start your own business?

Businesses have become highly competitive in the present times. If you are not able to compete with the flow of time, you might not attain success in the long run.

Remember, only the financial resources will not make you a good entrepreneur. We can give you facts.

According to a study, around 10% of startups take their last breath with the completion of the first year. You will fail miserably if you don’t enter the market with your plans.

The best thing is to gain knowledge, chalk out your plans, and then enter into business.

Why don’t you enroll yourself in some online or offline courses that will give you a command over the business you wish to start?

We think your wait is over. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the online courses that can provide you with the best opportunities to start your own business.

Courses You Should Start After College

There are many courses, but not all courses can provide you with a good opportunity. In this study, we discuss some of the courses through which you can make a decent living.

1. Financing For Startup Business

This unique course teaches you how to make the best out of your finances.

You might be amazed to know that around 99% of businesses in the USA are small-scale businesses.

Everyone would want to make the best use of their hard-earned financial resources. If you successfully learn the skills, you can open your own registered office to provide counseling to people regarding startup business.

So let’s pursue the course to get a decent living.

2. Startup Valuation 

Startup valuation is another bright course you could pursue to start a new business. New startups require some financial planning. Not all understand the areas of investment.

If you have a degree in business administration, you could brush up with this very diploma course. Through this course, you can get a good idea of the probable cost of startup costs.

This is a four-week course that can provide you with a good understanding of how to do well with your hard

3. Digital Marketing Agency 

Digital Marketing Agencies are a great way to start your new business. You can start your own digital marketing agency if you have the knowledge of content development for websites, coupled with seo knowledge.

What you need here is marketing capabilities, especially in social media. To manage your business, you need to download social media marketing software to handle your social media pages.

Small and medium-sized businesses require content and software management services. You could download this kind of software free from The PirateBay to start your new business in digital marketing. This kind, of course, requires you a few months to master.

Apps also increase brand valuation and brand recognition in an evenly competitive market. So if you learn an app-building course, you can be a good fit to start your own business.

4. Writing ( for Consultancy Services)

If you have the capacity to write, you can start your writing service consultancy services. You just need to learn every nitty-gritty of content marketing.

If you learn how to write college and university assignments, you can be a good fit for the content service business. This is a great thing for new learners in business to learn.

5. Podcasting

If you have the gift of gab, you could really do well in podcasting. Speaking is an art. Storytelling is a bigger art. There has been a rise in listening to podcast services. If you want to project yourself with podcasting, you have a good chance of success in this field. So pursue this short-term course and earn a decent living.

6. App Building

The customer is the king of the market. Medium, large, and small businesses need apps to get closer to the general public. These kinds of apps are not only good for running the business.

Business directly interacts with their customers. And for this to happen, they need to build some kind of app.

Wrapping It!

The courses discussed above are all highly effective in providing you with a good income. Remember, if you have knowledge of some art, you can be a good fit to earn your living. What is needed is your commitment and dedication to learning the craft.

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Touch Up Cup Net Worth – What Happened After Shark Tank?

Touch Up Cup Net Worth – What Happened After Shark Tank?

Touch Up Cup Net Worth
Image Source: 2Paragraphs.com

Touch Up Cup was pitched at Shark Tank, and both the father and son asked for $150,000 for 15% of their Business. How much is it worth now?

In Shark Tank, 15-year-old CEO Carson Grill and his father Jason Grill pitched their successful product Touch Up Cup. Even at the age of 15 years, he knew so much about the business that even those billionaire Sharks were impressed.

In this article, we will tell you how a kid presented himself and his business to the Sharks and how his business is going.


Touch Up Cup is a modern-day solution for all households, especially dads who DIY their way out of painting problems. The kidpreneur and dad came up with the solution that can store the leftover paint for up to 10 years in that cup.

The father-son duo came to Shark Tank to seek investment to grow their business. But first, for those who don’t know, let’s tell you about Shark Tank.

Shark Tank

Shark Tank is an American reality TV show where business and startups from all over the US and beyond pitch their products and ideas to the billionaire Shark. They present their products and ask for investment to kickstart their startups or grow their businesses to new horizons.

At any given episode, at least five Sharks are ready to hear their pitches. The panel includes Kevin O’Leary, Daymond John, Robert Herjavec, Lori Greiner, Mark Cuban, and Barbara Corcoran. They are highly intelligent and successful businesses that are ready to invest in any potential business they find on Shark Tank.

Apart from the main panel of Shark, the show invites other businessmen and celebrities too to give them and the business a chance to connect through this platform.

Now that the show’s introduction is done, let’s find out:

What Is Touch Up Cup?

The revolutionary solution to your paint storage problems, Touch Up Cup is a better and more efficient way to store your leftover paint. Inside the cup, it has a stainless steel blending stir stick, so you can shake the paint to prevent it from drying.


What Is Touch Up Cup?


In addition to that, it has an air-tight silicon seal to protect the paint from the outside air and keep it fresh for up to ten years.

According to the 15-year-old CEO, Touch Up Cup was already in 4000 locations. Carson Grill was eager to expand the business and wished to bring Touch Up Cup to every household and shop all over the world. 

Touch Up Cup – The Good

  • Store leftover paint without any hassle and mess
  • You can label it
  • Plastic body, meaning no risk of rust or clumps

Watch Carson and Jason Grill Explain Touch Up Cup on Shark Tank



According to the Carson, the business is 70% online and 30% offline. Over the last two years, Touch Up Cup has sold over 220,000 worth of products. (150,000 in the last 1.5 years)

Note that we are presenting the stats as a perspective of 2021 when they presented their product on Shark Tank. At the time, Carson said that he was hopeful they will sell 400,000 worth of products over the next year. Did they make it?

The Sharks On Touch Up Cup

As they both presented their awesome product, the Sharks were single-handedly sold by 15-year-old Carson. They couldn’t stop complimenting his business presentation and intellectual skills. 

They even started laughing when they heard the kid mention EDI (Electronic Data Interchange). It was surprising for the Sharks to have heard a kid mention EDI, as most of them learned the term in their 20s and 30s.

For the customers’ convenience, they sell an individual cup as well as a three-pack. 

Is Touch Up Cup Profitable?

To answer this question, let’s take a look at how much it costs when manufactured. According to Carson (15 YO), a three-pack cost (including packaging) is $1.99. The individual cup, however, costs 90 cents to manufacture. 

They sell the individual cup for $1.89 and retail it for $3.99 to $4.99. They sell the three-pack for $4.25 wholesale and retail it for anywhere between $9.99 and $12.99.

Does Touch Up Cup Have A Patent?

Touch Up Cup is fully patented (utility patent) in the US and worldwide, according to Carson Grill. The company has a total of four patents. Muffin, Bagel, and Donut containers are also Carson’s products and have a patent.

It definitely is incredible to see a 15-year-old kid having registered four patents. These three products make up around 5% of their sales.

Sharks’ Offers

As the duo asked for $150,000 for 10% of their business. Blake offered to buy 25% of Touch Up Cup for $200,000. Daymond John countered Blake’s offer and offered Carson to buy 17.5% of their business for $200,000. 

Mark Cuban appreciated these offers calling them “great,” and got out. Kevin O’Leary asked Carson to drop out of school, but Carson denied it. For that reason, Kevin got out. 

Daymond then got curious and asked who would be running the business full-time. Upon that question, the duo got delusional and started making excuses. Long story short, no one was going to work on the business full time as they both had day jobs.

Upon knowing that, Daymond revised his offer and offered him to take 20% of his business for $150,000.

Carson then counter-offered Blake asking for $200,000 for 17.5% of his company. Blake then counter-offered and agreed to give $150,000 instead of $200,000. 

Blake then got the deal owning 25% of Touch Up Cup for $200,000.

Touch Up Cup Net Worth

That’s what you’re really for, right? Well, we’ve gone deep into their sites and Amazon sales to estimate Touch Up Cup’s net worth, and here’s the answer to how much it is worth today.

At the time of the Shark Tank pitch (in 2021), the company was worth around $1 million. 

Now that the company is generating good sales and expanding worldwide, Touch Up Cup is estimated to be worth somewhere between $1.5-2 million. (2022 stats)

How Is Touch Up Cup Doing After Shark Tank?

Blake bought 25% of the company for $200,000, now, the company is working and operating all over the US online and retail shops too. We often see ads on the internet about Touch Up Cup meaning that they are marketing product heavily to a wider audience.

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Which Celebrity Received Their Stage Name From A Medieval English Ballad?

Which Celebrity Received Their Stage Name From A Medieval English Ballad?
Image Source: Fox News

Chevy Chase received his stage name from a medieval English ballad.

How Chevy Chase Got His Name From A Medieval English Ballad?

Chevy Chase’s original name is Cornelius Crane. Chase was adopted by his grandfather who was also named Cornelius. His first name was taken from his adoptive grandfather while the name “Chevy” was given to him by his grandmother. His grandmother was an Opera Singer who would perform several times at Carnegie Hall. 

His grandmother, Cathalene thought “Chevy” would be a good name for her grandson considering his Scottish heritage and descendence. So, “The Ballad of Chevy Chase” gave this young future star a nickname. So, Chevy Chase is the one celebrity who was named after a medieval English ballad. 

Chevy Chase – Biography

Chevy Chase - Biography
Image Source: Wikipedia

Cornelius Crane Chevy Chase is an American comedian, actor, and writer. He started his comedy career with National Lampoon, an American humor magazine. Before that, he did a lot of jobs that didn’t work out for him.

Following his comedic success in National Lampoon, he joined the renowned late-night comedy TV show, Saturday Night Live (SNL), where he became a key cast member in the show’s first season. He would come live on the segment “Weekend Update”, which became why the show succeeded in the United States. 

Early Childhood

Chevy Chase was born on October 8, 1943. He grew up in Woodstock, New York. His parents divorced when he was just 4 years old which caused him to go through a rough childhood. 


Chevy Chase got his success from SNL and the National Lampoon. As he progressed through his writing and comedy career, more and more people acknowledged his efforts in the industry. He was nominated 5 times for the Emmys. Other than that, He won 3 Primetime Emmy Awards

Chevy Chase – Personal Life

Chevy Chase married Susan Hewitt in 1973. The marriage didn’t even last 3 years; the couple divorced in 1976. Later on, he married Jacqueline Carlin on December 04, 1976. This was Chase’s second marriage, but that, too, didn’t last long. He divorced Carlin in 1980. 

His third marriage was with Jayni Luke which took place in 1982 in Pacific Palisades. Chevy Chase Currently has Three Daughters. The family currently lives in Bedford, New York.

Chevy Chase and SNL – A Weird Love Story

It was 1976 when Chevy Chase decided to leave SNL. It was a huge shock for the late-night show as he was the first original cast member to leave the show in the middle of the 2nd season. (he did make some cameo appearances in the show)

After he left the show, the stepped into Hollywood on the basis of his SNL fame. As he got here and there, he ended up hosting SNL for eight seasons until he was banned from the show. He was accused of harassing female writers and most importantly, he hit Cheri Oteri on her head. Damn!

When SNL creator and show runner Lorne Michaels heard about this news, he was shocked and immediately banned Chevy Chase from his show. 

Even after Chevy Chase was banned from SNL, he did continue to make some appearances such as on SNL’s 25th-anniversary episode in 1999.

His most memorable appearances include Caddyshack Skit in which Bill Murray was a show guest. 

Chevy Chase – Filmography

At first, Chevy Chase’s films weren’t so popular. Wikipedia called his first three films “Flops”. 

Nothing But Trouble – A 1991 dark comedy film starring Chevy Chase was a huge flop. Razzie Award nominated this film as well. (Razzie Award is for worst films lol)

Memoirs of an Invisible Man – a 1992 comedy drama film starring the SNL host also got nominated for the Razzie Award. 

Cops & Robbersons – a 1994 crime comedy starring Chevy Chase, too, couldn’t survive the Razzie Award nomination. 

Vegas Vacation – a 1997 comedy film by Chevy Chase tasted some success. Let’s say that it was Chase’s first ever film to perform well in Hollywood. The film grossed $36.4 Million at the box office.

He did make some appearances after these movies as well but these movies couldn’t make it to mainstream Hollywood. In 2006, he came back to Hollywood hoping to make it big this time. He starred in Zoom – another comedy film – with other co-stars Courteney Cox and Tim Allen but this film, too, was a flop. 

Final Words

Chevy Chase got his name from a Medieval English Ballad. It was his maternal grandmother who thought this name would be perfect as the kid had Scottish roots. His early career was a great success as he hosted SNL and got a lot of fame due to his humor and charm as he interviews celebrities on the show. 

Later on, he was banned from the show due to his “idiotic” behavior towards female members. His film career has not been a success, too.

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7 Excellent Reasons Why a Cybersecurity Degree is Worth it

Cybersecurity Degree is Worth it

Cyber attacks and terrorism by cyber criminals have become more pronounced in recent years. Not a month goes by without you hearing about a data breach at some big corporation. Also, according to a report by Norton, about 4.1 billion data breaches were reported in 2019 alone. With such a vast number, it’s no wonder that cybersecurity is essential. 

Furthermore, organizations like banks, government agencies, healthcare facilities, and schools have very private information to protect. A data breach at any of these organizations could have catastrophic consequences. This is why most companies are willing to do anything and pay any amount to ensure their data is safe. 

Additionally, cybersecurity professionals are trained to prevent any unauthorized access, damage, or alterations to data within an organization. If you’re having a difficult time deciding if you want to make a career in cybersecurity, here are seven reasons a cybersecurity degree is worth it. 

Reasons To Get a Cybersecurity Degree

Flexible Study Options

Flexibility is significant when you’re a working student. Many who want to pursue a career in cybersecurity already have a job. Thus, having the option to study and work is very favorable to them. 

Moreover, cybersecurity programs offer you the option of earning your degree online. This option of balancing study and work has convinced many people to venture into cybersecurity. Also, many universities and colleges offer online and hybrid cybersecurity programs. 

Additionally, the online learning mode also allows you to have access to learning materials, professors, and school alums from anywhere in the world. Earning your degree online is cheaper and more convenient than taking on-campus classes. So you can keep working while studying for your cybersecurity degree without breaking the bank. 

The Demand For Cybersecurity Professionals is High

Although cybersecurity is not a new concept, more companies are falling victim to cyberattacks. Since cybercriminals have increased the intensity and sophistication with which they attack the world’s top companies, cybersecurity professionals have increased in demand. 

Furthermore, the demand for cybersecurity professionals is expected to have a 33% growth over the next two decades, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The reality is that employers are looking for candidates who are highly qualified for the job. But there is a shortage of individuals who meet these criteria. Thus, having an advanced degree like a master’s degree or additional certifications will help you stand out and qualify for high positions. 

A Cybersecurity Degree Equals Job Security

Now is the best time to consider a career in cybersecurity. With the rise and sophistication of cyberterrorism, the demand for cybersecurity experts outweighs the supply. This guarantees that your job as a qualified cybersecurity professional will be sure. 

Furthermore, technology is one of the modern job markets that will never go extinct. Job opportunities and demand will always be available in the tech industry. Thus, there will always be a race to create the next best thing in tech, which will, in turn, give rise to more threats of cyberattacks. Organizations across all industries will need qualified cybersecurity experts to combat these threats. 

Additionally, as long as cyberattacks continue, companies will have no choice but to hold unto their cybersecurity professionals. If you need to acquire some skills to scale up your profession, most employers will be happy to foot the bill to advance your education. This is because cybersecurity professionals are essential in ensuring company data stays secure. 

Opportunity To Work Across Various Fields

One of the best things about a career in cybersecurity is that your job isn’t limited to the tech industry. In today’s digital world, companies in every industry need the services of cybersecurity professionals to protect their company data. 

Therefore, your certification and skills as a cybersecurity expert can be used in any industry that requires protection from cyberattacks. For example, hospitals and banks are industries with an increased need for cybersecurity experts. A degree in cybersecurity allows you to work confidently in various fields of your choice within your capacity aside from the technology industry. 

The Cybersecurity Industry Has The Opportunity to Grow

Reports state that the global cybersecurity market is expected to reach about $376 billion by 2029 from a projection of about $156 billion in 2022. With such vast numbers, it is clear to see that there is enormous growth potential in the cybersecurity industry. 

Furthermore, the diversity and size of the cybersecurity industry allow for a variety of career specializations and paths. With a degree in cybersecurity, you can decide to work in engineering, incident reporting, or even digital forensics. 

A Cybersecurity Offers High Salary Opportunities 

As earlier stated, the demand for cybersecurity experts outweighs the supply. Due to this shortage, companies are willing to pay a considerable amount of money to qualified few available. Thus, cybersecurity professionals are among the highest-paid professionals in the tech industry. 

Besides, it is no secret that cyber-attacks will continue to occur as new advancements in technology take place. Any data breach at a big corporation will cost a lot of money. Thus, there is always a need to protect against any cyber threat. Also, companies prefer to pay cybersecurity experts a lot to prevent any data breach. 

Opportunity For Career Advancement

Earning a bachelor’s degree or associate degree in cybersecurity can play a significant role in helping you get a job in the cybersecurity industry. But education alone can’t boost your job opportunities; you must gain work experience. Your short-term goal might be to get a job with your cybersecurity degree, but it’s essential to know that you have room for advancement in your career down the line. 

Similarly, your cybersecurity degree will provide you with a foundation of skills and knowledge you can build up as you gain more experience in your field of interest. So if you want to gain a higher position after working for a few years as a cybersecurity professional, you can decide to earn your master’s degree and gain a few certifications. 

Get That Degree

The importance of cybersecurity in today’s digital world cannot be overemphasized. Companies and individuals stand to lose too much if their data is breached. Earning a degree in cybersecurity will help you positively impact the world and assist companies and individuals in keeping their data safe. 

Furthermore, earning a cybersecurity degree is not the end. You must work hard and try to stay ahead in this fast-changing industry. If you’re having difficulty deciding whether or not to earn a degree in cybersecurity, consider the reasons listed in this article. With a cybersecurity degree, you stand to gain a lot more than you can ever imagine.