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SEO strategy: let’s rediscover the importance of content curation

Content curation: what it is and why it matters

In a period in which online positioning can be a decisive factor in driving sales or not and in which Google is reviewing which are the most important ranking factors, making sure that your website has quality content is essential. In this context, content curation fits , an activity as important as the creation of textual content from scratch.

What is content curation

Content curation is an activity of rewriting and informative enrichment of the texts present on a website. It is not a question of writing the text from scratch, but – in most cases – of an extension and deepening.

There are several reasons that may lead to wanting to integrate content curation into one’s digital marketing strategy:

Content curation can be performed both on institutional texts of the site (such as the homepage, the services page or the team presentation page), and on those published in the magazine or blog section of your site. In this second case, the activity is particularly appreciated by the search engine that appreciates and rewards the contents already present online that are lengthened and deepened.

How is content curation done?

Content curation is an activity that is carried out by an SEO Specialist together with a content marketing expert or SEO copywriter. In particular, the first figure deals with:

The benefits of content curation

Using content curation means using a very powerful tool to improve the content of a text already published online. In fact, this kind of activity has some advantages, including:

Content Curation, when to do it?

Now that you understand what content curation is and what advantages it can bring to your site, let’s see what are the cases in which it is strongly recommended:

Does your site need content curation? Keep in touch

If you believe that some pages on your site need to be revised, you can count on SEO Leader to improve your SEO strategy. Thanks to years of experience in the digital marketing sector, I have refined the technique and learned in the field to better interpret the Google algorithm. Contact me for a free 1 hour SEO consultation and you can start a new chapter of your search engine rankings.

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