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Facebook: Video Polls and Upcoming Developments

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Facebook introduces polls in videos: it had already announced it last summer, but now the new feature  is rolling out also on Italian fan pages. Here’s what you need to know!

Videos are increasingly an important tool in social strategies . Especially for Facebook , whose algorithm rewards this type of content. The introduction of quizzes, surveys and challenges within the video proposal was already announced last June . In June there was talk of this implementation as regards the live, but now the polls will be optional in any uploadable video.

Implementation of surveys in videos for multiple pages

As Facebook reports, live polls are now available for all Pages  (soon also on demand) through the Live API and live publishing tool. The goal is to feed audience interaction , pushing the audience to take sides or express their thoughts. But not only that, because the implications could be numerous, such as verifying the pleasure of one’s fan base on a product. Or again: a storytelling operation that takes a direction based on the choice of the fans. Here are some small case histories, to touch this new Facebook video feature firsthand:

  • Anderson Cooper Full Circle:CNN’s daily interactive news bulletin on Facebook Watch uses polls to ask the public to share their opinion.
  • Tastemade used the polls to ask the audience what element they would like to see in the next episode.
  • BuzzFeed BringMe! asked viewers to choose their favorite vacation between two destinations.

How to take a poll in a video on Facebook?

Facebook ‘s steps for video polls are very simple. When publishing (from desktop) just click on add photo / video and upload the desired file. At this point the Facebook mask for management opens, where you can insert copy, preview, any subtitles, etc. And in the last position we find “Polls”:

At this point, click on Surveys and a new mask will open. Proceed and arrive at a setup screen. Here you can add questions and options, with the option to also choose when to show the survey (adding start and end times).

Facebook’s next steps

Just on October 30, Facebook reported the data for the third quarter of 2018 . Facebook grossed $ 13.73 billion. It is the new all-time high . Zuckerberg himself commented:

Our community and businesses continue to grow rapidly. Today, more than 2 billion people use at least one of our services every day. We’re building better messaging and story services, and there are still great opportunities for video and e-commerce .

From these few words it is obvious that in the near future there will be even more space for Facebook Messenger and videos, with an eye towards online shopping. In this regard, Mark Zuckerberg always underlined one aspect:

All the trends we’re seeing suggest that, in the not too distant future, users will be sharing more content in Stories than on the Feed. People send more photos, videos and links on WhatsApp and Messenger than on social networks.

The next digital strategies must therefore take these dynamics into account, especially if we do not want to lose sight of the main point of reference: the consumer. Unless it is B2B – and perhaps Facebook is not the most suitable platform – we must in fact remember that social networks are made up of users. People who will decide the success (or not) of our every action .


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