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Pet Dog vs. Cat: Which Can Help With Mental and Emotional Health?

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Pet dog vs. pet cat – which is better for our mental health? In 2019 there were almost 200,000 emotional support animals in the US. Emotional support animals are a fundamental part of helping people with mental health conditions.

Pets can be like family members to us and provide much-needed love and affection. But can animals improve our mental health? Which type of pet is best for providing emotional support?

If you want to improve your mental and emotional health then owning a pet could be just the ticket. But what kind of pet should you choose: pet dog vs. cat? Here is everything you need to know to help you decide.

Which Is Better to Live With?

It’s no secret that owning a dog is the polar opposite of having a cat. Many of us will declare openly that we are a dog person or a cat person. But which animal is the best to live with?

Low Maintenance and Independent

Cats can be very low maintenance in comparison to dogs. They prefer their own space and to be left alone most of the time. Cats are also smaller and take up less space in your home.

Cats are also quieter than dogs. A dog has a greater urge to be vocal in comparison to a cat. Although some cat breeds can be more vocal than others, they are quieter overall.

If you want regular, reliable social interaction and affection then a cat might not be right for you. Cats do not need their owners in order to feel safe and secure. Although cats can serve as excellent companions, they do not need others to feel protected.

If you live on a farm or somewhere with pests that owning a cat could be very useful. Cats can keep your property free from rodents and other pests.

Protective and Loyal

Dogs need plenty of space indoors and outdoors to run around. They are also more likely to steal your side of the bed when nighttime comes around. Depending on their size, dogs can need a lot more space than cats.

Dogs can be protective, loyal, and courageous when it comes to protecting their family. Owning a dog could help protect your home against intruders and potential threats. If you are looking for a useful companion then it’s a dog you should look for.

Although cats are not as loyal as dogs, they can still form long-lasting bonds with their owners. Cats respond to their owner depending on the behavior they exhibit. As long as you behave in a positive manner towards your cat, they will develop a bond with you.

The Cost of Owning a Pet Dog vs. Cat

Our pets are important members of our family. 45% of American pet owners spend the same amount of money on their pet’s health as they do on their own. Buying pet insurance, food, toys, and other accessories can vary in cost depending on what type of animal you own. Bivvy offers coverage for dogs and cats in case of accidents, illnesses, hospitalization, and emergency care for only $15 per month. Cats generally cost much less than dogs. This is due to several factors including size and maintenance. Medium and large dogs require more food than smaller animals. Some of the expenses you may come across for both animals include:

  • Pet Insurance
  • Food
  • Toys
  • Medication
  • Food Bowl
  • Water Dish
  • Grooming Costs
  • Kennel Costs
  • Vet Bills

The average annual spend for dog owners is between $380 and $1170. Cat owners spend much less at around $430-$870 per year. This can vary depending on the breed of dog or cat you choose.

Spaying or neutering your animal could help save you money in the long run. This will help to protect them from future illnesses and diseases that could cost you money in vet bills.

Dog toys can be more expensive because the materials need to be durable. Their food bowl and water dish can also be more expensive due to the size and material. Puppy training, grooming, and kennels can all place dogs at a higher cost than cats.

Which Is Easier to Train?

Dogs are pack animals which makes them easier to train. Their pack mentality means that they find it easy to follow instructions from a leader. Dogs are also more obedient than cats.

Different breeds are easier to train than others. However, dogs are eager to please their owners and most will respond well during training. Some of the best dog breeds for training include the labrador, poodle, and border collie.

Some dog breeds need additional stimulation in the form of a job or purpose. This is why dogs work so well as service animals. Some dogs are even employed by the army or police force.

Although they respond differently, cats can be trained. Cats respond well to positive reinforcement in the form of treats and praise. You can start by teaching them a simple trick to see how they respond.

Emotional support animals do not need specific training like service animals. You can get your ESA letter online if you want your pet to be an emotional support animal. It is a straightforward process and can provide support for those with chronic emotional trouble.

With the right type of attitude (and treats) you can train both dogs and cats.

Health Benefits

Whether you choose a cat or a dog, there are lots of health benefits to be enjoyed. Dogs help us to get outside and enjoy physical exercise. Owning a cat can help prevent allergies and reduce stress levels.

Owning cats and dogs can encourage playfulness and increase opportunities for physical activity.

Stress Relief

Research suggests that owning a cat can have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing. 76% of cat owners felt that they coped with life better due to the presence of their cats.

You may find that you can throw away your gym membership if you own a dog. Not only do they need regular walks for their health, but they also need to play. Dogs enjoy all kinds of activities from strolls in the park to bike rides and hikes.

Getting outdoors with a dog for exercise can benefit older members of the community. Elderly people can become isolated and lonely which can lead to depression, cardiovascular impairment, and chronic pain. Talking to other dog walkers or visiting a dog park can provide essential social interaction for many people.

Although cats do not require accompanied walks, they still need some form of exercise. You may not get your steps in, but you’ll benefit from playing with your cat.

Petting a dog or cat releases oxytocin (a feel-good hormone) which can reduce stress. This friendly interaction lowers levels of cortisol and boosts your mood. Petting an animal can also increase feelings of social support.

Dogs are also excellent at detecting health problems and can be trained to do so. Many service dogs can be trained to alert their owners to hypoglycemic episodes or seizures. Dogs are great listeners and make intuitive companions to those who need support with their mental health.

Healing Properties

Dogs and cats do not have to be service animals to help with healing. By decreasing our stress levels, dogs and cats can help to regulate our breathing and heart rate. Some people believe that letting a dog lick your wound could help to promote healing.

Cats could help heal injured joints and muscles. The frequency of a cat purr can have many healing properties according to scientific research. The vibrations can lower blood pressure and ease swelling.

If it’s a cuddle buddy you need then a dog can help. Dogs can sense when we are upset, lonely, or grieving. They can provide emotional support just by staying by your side.

Growing up with a dog or cat can help to prevent allergies in children. Children who have pets will have fewer sick days from school. Pet ownership can also encourage children to be more empathetic and have a positive outlook on life.

Choose the Best Companion for Your Needs

The discussion between pet dog vs. cat contains a lot of interesting points. Many people argue that you are either a dog person or a cat person. So which one are you?

Choosing the right pet for your emotional needs can be a personal experience. You need to form a connection with the animal that is going to support you through testing times. Choose whichever animal feels best for you and your circumstances.

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