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Is the Dutch Bros Straw Code Real? (Yes, Partly) Let’s Bust This Myth!

Dutch Bros Straw Code

Image Source: KTNV

Are you a coffee addict and go to Dutch Bros regularly? Well, if that’s the case then you may have heard about the Dutch Bros Straw Code. There’s been a lot of debates going on the Dutch Bros straw code. Many believe that it’s true while others think otherwise. 

In this article, we will bust the myth about the Dutch Bros straw code. If you’re one of those people who go to the Dutch Bros on a regular basis and still don’t believe in the Dutch Bros straw code, you’ll know if you’re in the dark or not. 

It is said that the dutch bros straw code was invented by the Dutch Bros employees out of boredom to let the customers know what they feel about them. 

The Dutch Bros straw code is quite simple. Let’s see what it means and how it works.  

What is the Dutch Bros Straw Code?

The Dutch Bros straw code is kind of an insult or a compliment from the Dutch Bros employees. The colored straw is given to the customer with their coffee by the barista, and the color of the straw determines what the Dutch Bros employee thinks about you. It could mean different things like rude, cute, weird, or just meh. 

Some say that the Dutch Bros straw code is a publicity stunt executed by the owners to bring more sales to the Dutch Bros business. I mean, it does make sense because people want to be judged, right. They like to know what other people feel about them.

All this leads them to buy tons of coffees because they are curious about the color of the straw they might be given.

What Does the Color of Your Straw Mean?

The barista gives you your coffee with colored straw. The color of that straw determines what the Dutch Bros employee thinks about you.  

Image Source: YouTube

Below is the list of colors of straws that you might be given by the Dutch Bros employees and what each color represents. (The color of the straw determines what the employees think about you or your appearance.)

Pink Straw

Let’s say that you’re given a pink straw by the barista. Now, according to the Dutch Bros straw code, it means that the employee thinks you’re cute or pretty. 

When people are complimented as such, they tend to feel warm and loved which leads to them coming again and again and buying more coffee. 

All of the customers hope to get the pink straw when they go to the Dutch Bros for their coffee. 

Green Straw 

The green straw is what people are afraid of. If you’re given a green straw by the barista, the Dutch Bros straw code represents that the barista feels that you’re ugly. Boy, you wish you do not get a green straw. 

Yellow Straw

According to the Dutch Bros straw code, the yellow straw means that you’re an average-looking person.

Now, this is also a nightmare for some because, in society, they feel high good looking and if some coffee shop employee says that they’re average looking, their ego is hurt and their day is ruined. 

Blue Straw

The blue straw, according to the Dutch Bros straw code formula, means that the barista who gave you the drink thinks that you’re a rude person. 

This way, customers are told secretly by the employees that they need to change their behavior towards the hard-working employees. 

Orange Straw

If you’re given an orange straw by the Dutch Bros employee, it means that the barista thinks that you’re a weird or mysterious person. It could also mean that you’re pretty strange. 

How Did the Dutch Bros Straw Code Start?

People say that the Dutch Bros straw code was invented by the employees but no one actually knows who, how, or when it was invented and came into action. So, still, its origin is unknown to us. 

The Dutch Bros straw code has initiated a lot of controversy on social media platforms and especially, among their regular customers. 

When is the Dutch Bros Straw Code in Action?

Those who are proper coffee drinkers and go to the Dutch Bros regularly have reported that the straw code is not in action all the time. 

Wanna know the simple answer? We got you

When there aren’t many customers around, the employees have the time to play the game and they do judge you. But, it depends on the time, location and, business hours at Dutch Bros. 

Still, the question remains. When is the Dutch Bros straw code in action? To answer this question, we interviewed some of the Dutch Bros employees. At first, they denied that the straw code exists. 

When we assured them of the confidentiality, they opened their mouth and told us the “truth”. Are you ready to hear the truth? Let’s hear it.  We’ll start with the story.

The Experiment to Find the Truth

There was this girl who documented her experience. She, like all of us, was curious about the Dutch Bros straw code and went on to conduct this little experiment. 

At first, she went to the Dutch Bros in her regular PJs and ordered a coffee. Now, according to her, she received a yellow straw which, according to the Dutch Bros straw code, meant that she was just average-looking. 

The experiment started to make sense to her when she decided to go to the same shop but with her makeup on, her hair done, and in her best-looking outfit. Now, again she ordered a drink and this time she received a pink straw which meant that the employee thinks she was cute. 

She was sure that the Dutch Bros straw code was true but she wasn’t so sure about the experiment. The reason why is that when she went with her make-up on, there was another employee who gave her the pink straw.

That didn’t stop her curiosity. She wanted to know the truth. So, she decided to find the truth by asking one of the Dutch Bros employees. 

The Real Truth Told By the Dutch Bros Employee

She wanted to know the truth, just like all of us but she didn’t want to make the employee think that she was a stalker. Deep down, she was afraid that all of the pink straws she received would mean nothing f the employee said the Dutch Bros straw code didn’t exist. 

She, despite the fear of him denying all this fuss, mustered up the courage to ask Jake Thatcher, a trusted and old employee at the Dutch Bros, if the straw code was real. 

At first, the employee simply denied that the straw code existed. But upon her insisting to tell her the real truth, Jake said that there are usually long lines of people who want to buy coffee at the Dutch Bros. 

Due to the long lines, the baristas don’t have time to decide and find the specific colored straw they want to give one particular customer.

He also stated that the Dutch Bros is an honorable company and would not judge anyone on their mere appearance. (But we all know that it’s not true)

“You’re all beautiful in your own way”, said Jake, “so all of you should get the pink straw.”

The girl was mesmerized by the words said by Jake (the Dutch Bros employee), but she still was eager to know if it ever was in action. That was the moment Jake told her the real truth about the Dutch Bros straw code. 

Jake said,” Sometimes when there aren’t many customers around, we like to play this little game when we find a customer cute.”

Is the Dutch Bros Straw Code Real?

Some customers think that the straw code is real. While others think that it would be irrational to waste extra time to find the specific straw for someone. 

Now that we know about different stories, the experiment, and the most important factor, the interview of a Dutch Bros employee, we can conclude the following. 


The Dutch Bros straw code is real but there’s a catch. It’s not in action all the time. 

When there’s a line of people waiting for their coffee, the employees and baristas are too busy to play this fun little game so if you find a pink straw with your coffee, do not assume that the employee thinks you’re cute. 

The only time it is in action is when there are only one or two customers around, only then do the baristas have the time to find the desired straw to give a customer.

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